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Travail de Bachelor Léa Bays T3a - Filière Télécommunications
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This project is a dockerization and kubernetization of semestre project named fleet-plan (https://gitlab.forge.hefr.ch/frederic.bapst/ps6-fleet-plan)
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Semester 5 project part of the Eurobot competiton It consist in the use of a camera to detect the position of the robots on the game area
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Exercices de programmation concurrente 2ème année (S4).
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Travaux de semestre 5 des filières informatique et télécommunication
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Projet de semestre 5 T3a
Implémenter un système embarqué qui lit les données du badge RFID et les stocke sur un serveur OPC UAUpdated -
Winter semester project by Nicolas Realini.
Name: Amélioration d'outils pour l'analyse ADN en recherche 1
Link forge: https://redmine.forge.hefr.ch/projects/fast-dna-1
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A project that as the goal of using AWS Kinesis with WebRTC to stream a camera's video on the cloud
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fribourg-linux-seminar / 19.05 / py-temperature
Apache License 2.0MicroPython demo : Temperature and Humidity sensor + Dashboard on Adafruit.io
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Latex report and resume and whatever in latex for the HEIAFR
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Agent Conversationnel Vocal en 3D Web application
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Serial Communication Code To send AT commands to a Weightless-P End Device et retrieve its responses